Saturday, June 22, 2019

Weekend and heat in sight

Contrails... resting easy in a garden chair in the sun, gazing at the deep blue clear sky.... And contrails, from the direction of Shannon, heading for ... the great world out there. Fewer incoming than outgoing...

Contrails; and at their head a tiny black speck. And in that speck, people.. many people. a skilled pilot, cabin crew, passengers heading ?????? Never fails to ....

Earthbound is enough for me.. The sturdy ground under my feet, birds a-singing, cats a -purring.All the small sweet things that make up life here.

Yesterday was perfect weather. Warm to sit in but not overwhelming so outdoor work was pleasant. I caught up with washing and it all dried in the benevolent sun. Sat knitting in between gazing at the sweet blue and watching the bees going crazy in the old wild fuchsia.   

You can all but see the peas swarming up the wire netting..their flowers smiling and a promise. Such a privilege to grow things.

The three new rescue cats continue to make swift sudden progress. The fluffy black one who was terrified of doors and silent now cries to be let in. She allows petting sometimes but this is something to be offered but not pushed,
Yesterday after a loud demand for IN, she raced to the kitchen and leaped on to the chair and nattered at me! Thinking she wanted food, I filled the dish. She took one bite then back on the chair and chatted on nonstop. Eyes wide and golden... When I offered to stroke her, she enjoyed that too in a way never before.. revelled in the contact she had fought shy of. Such a purr..

Six months on and still making strides.

Today will be as lovely as yesterday for at least much of the day they say.
The peace and utter silence here  are palpable and to lean into , Just.... 

So , soon, we will decamp outside with handwork ,   Last week this was a thick warm blanket with some of the odd balls of luxury mohair that were left....

Three feet by five..

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