Monday, June 3, 2019

Calm after storm

The gale and sideways deluges that erupted yesterday were not really expected at the severity that came.
 South/south west are the worst directions for my small patch by the big gate. The wind slams along the enclosed drive and hits direct!

Worst of all is the path between the dwelling and old cowsheds as it becomes a real wind tunnel. In my first winter here there was a day when I opened the door to have it pulled away  and the restraining safety hinge torn off.  It was so swift it took me with it and threw me across the concrete drive  in a split second. No real harm done and after that filled in the space so it cannot ever do that again.
The solid and heavy container there is full of seedlings that were getting smashed by the wind so I lowered a cardboard box over the top...

It was so cold and I am short on socks so? Knitted a swift thick pair.

The gale suddenly increased as it was due to ease and checking here showed a new warning of severe gale ie up to 100 k  .. The dwelling was shaking as in winter. Comes hard in June..

Then I thought back to my years on a North Sea island. Every year there would be a great damaging storm at the end of May/ start of June. Plantings would be seared and ripped, sea birds nests torn from cliffs. They called it the Gab of May. This was exactly the same.

Now? Woke early to deep peace and   quietude . Sweet relief.. My scatter of cats took me for a ramble. They raced and played and climbed fence posts as I picked a wild flower posy as the rose gold  sun emerged between the mountains.

Cuckoo and lark carolling..                                                                                                                                                                       
For me, a quiet day of deep thankfulness for a new year to my life. Sheer wonderment as to how I have managed to reach this advanced age.. and sincere gratitude.  A safe roof,  food in the cupboards, water, a place of peace and beauty, as is said " no shouting in our streets" .  Cats safe and contentedly exuberant.. work for my hands that will help feed babies.. Nothing lacking that is needful and a deep deep peace in that. ALLELUIA!

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Standing still..

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