Monday, April 22, 2019

Our late spring...

The hard, holy days ended and the world in turmoil set aside.

Sweet simple life here as a late spring breaks through in small ways that enchant.  By soon after 5 am, light enough for zestful bird song. And the time always honoured here in this solitary life for a quiet reflective walk.  Quiet  ocean and magnificent dawning dappled light over mountains and water.

Once it was with my dogs, then with my dog, and now? At least four  cats track me, the youngsters racing and leaping in their sheer life energy and joy. Only four as there is a territorial dispute going on between older cat and young upstart cat. older cat now hides a lot. Only three racing, as oldest cat plods now.. staid and steady as we all do in older years.

A chilly wind. Early in Holy Week 48 hours of fierce south easterly near gale force winds. The worst direction for shelter here. My small flowerings were blasted and withered in wind scorch. Bright deep blue forget me not and glowing orange marigolds, both kindly overwintered. But by Easter Eve they had revived enough to give a small prayer table Easter smile of celebration and relief.

And Easter Eve a blessed oasis of sun and warmth, a day to spend outside for these days tend to be rare. Cat company and bird song and seeds to set.  Face lifted to the benediction of light.

Life revolving around growing now. By the front fence, peas of all varieties and sweet peas set out to climb the wire.  The bed edged with white stones gleaned from shore walks .  Seed trays everywhere.  From whatever will hold compost.... recycling food trays.. Green shoots speeding upwards. Peas, broad beans, flowers in abundance. The dog crate in the back area, now a small fruit and vegetable  refuge, and a large old fish box therein seeded with kale and peas. Potatoes nestled on cardboard under hay.

 This life is intensely seasonal. Governed by the weather and the year's ordering. An old, old way.  Married to the life of plants and ocean. Part of it. 

Ocean enclosure!

And the peace of it. 

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